A. Working papers
- Left behind? Performance disparity, individual effort, and spillover effects (with Elena Novelli and Martin Hetu). Submitted.
This paper was a finalist for the Curtis M. Grimm Memorial Best Paper Award at the 3rd Competitive Dynamics Conference (Imperial College, May 2023)
- The experts and the crowd: The interplay between qualified rankings and consumer ratings(with Clara Depalma and Saverio D. Favaron). In preparation for submission.
- Learning by thinking: how reflection can spur progress along the learning curve (with Francesca Gino, Gary Pisano, and Bradley Staats). In preparation for resubmission.
This research has been featured in the Financial Times on September 2019. A brief summary of this work has also been featured as the “Stat Watch” item in the 2014 July-August issue of the Harvard Business Review. This paper received the Best Paper Award of the 2016 Strategic Management Society Annual Conference from the Behavioral Strategy Interest Group.
B. Research in Progress
- Learning how to work together (with Thorsten Grohsjean, Cédric Gutierrez, and Clara Depalma). Status: Data Analysis
- Category works: How élite-appealing meanings constructed a legendary cultural market (with Elena Dalpiaz and Lorenzo Maulini). Status: Data Analysis
- Following (too many) leads? Firm reaction to externally-set goal multiplicity (with Clara Depalma). Status: Data Collection
- Immigrants and ethnic restaurants (with Ann S. Lee and Liyue Yan). Status: Data Collection.
- Cooperation dilemmas in team production (with Giulia M. Barbi, Garrett Brady, and Claudio Panico). Status: Data Collection